Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm back

Okay, so I've been away for so long, I forgot my username AND my password. Is that a bad sign? Could be.

But I've decided that what counts is that I'm back at all. Even after a non-restful Christmas "break," an 80+ page grant proposal, and being rear-ended by a drunk driver. (Stories lurk behind every item on that list, I assure you.)

I'm patting myself lightly on the back (see aforementioned incident with drunk driver) that I remembered enough about blogging to retrieve my password. It took me so long, however, that I have exactly 2 minutes before I must leave again for a meeting. So right now, if anyone's still out there reading, all you're getting is a promise of what's to come:

1. some guest posts from my students last semester
2. ongoing thoughts on the new book
3. some musings on human plasticity

Farewell until then.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I hope that you are recovering well. It sounds like you need a vacation.
I am excited to read the new posts.