Friday, September 05, 2008

rocking the vote

My 19-year-old daughter has always been determined to make up her own mind, and this presidential campaign is no exception. She's oh so excited to be able to cast her very first vote. (They really ought to make a page for that in the baby book.)

We talk about politics daily at our house, even when it's not an election season, so she's grown up with it. This, plus the fact that both my husband and I have been in education for over 20 years, means that conversations about politics often center on education issues.

Despite my temptation to sway my daughter's judgment about where she should cast her vote, I sent her instead to the Pew Research Forum's website where they publish thumbnail sketches of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates' views on a number of issues, including education. (When you go there, don't get thrown off by the "Religion and Politics" banner at the top of the webpage; the candidate profiles are on the right.)

Right below my profile on the right, you'll see links to the Pew website as well as links to both McCain's and Obama's education platforms as stated on their respective websites.

You should check them out so you'll know whom you're voting for and why. You owe it to your parents to think, and vote, for yourself.

And not just because your Mama said so.


Nick said...

As a registered voter who tries to keep up in politics and attended several of the demonstrations in Denver during the DNC week, I appreciate that you're trying to make students aware of the the candidates' issues, but I have to include links to some of the third party candidates, as well. I personally don't agree with the continuance of a two-party system and would love to see more variety and opinions within our government. These are strictly for education.

Nader/Gonzalez Independent Party

McKinney/Clemente Green Party
or at

Barr/Root Libertarian

You can also visit and take an interactive quiz that matches your views against the candidates (although there are few third-parties).

Katie said...

I was able to cast a vote in a presidential election for the first time in 2008. I think education voters, especially us young ones, is the best way. Thanks for sharing a good site.

Jeana said...

In my family we do not talk about politics at all because my parents are from different parties. Because we never talked about it I wasnt interested in it and therefore did not learn about it or research and did not vote. I wish my parents would have done more to open me up to politics like you did with your daughter so that way I would feel passionate about it.

Anonymous said...

It was my first time voting as well in the 2008 election. I feel as though it is important for students to understand the differences between each candidate and vote for themselves as opposed to just going with the "popular" choice. Great site!